Spanking Hardness Ratings
We found an old grading of the hardness of spankings. From very light to extreme spankings. Very useful. Remember that the implement used and the strength with which it is used are both factors – but so is the experience of the spankee.
< light ( tabbing gently)
LIGHT ( smack , 10 – 30 , over garments with hand )
LIGHT / MEDIUM ( as higher than on clean skin , can also embody some use of a lightweight implement – animal skin paddle etc )
MEDIUM ( up to a hundred with hand , implements etc , ladies would possibly cry )
MEDIUM / serious ( twenty – thirty using heavier implements – cane , wood paddle etc )
HEAVY ( fifty and with heavier implements , some men would cry )
VERY serious ( a hundred and with heavier implements )
VERY serious < ( no matter, as hard as it turns you on ! )